Why Shred?
- Do not need to wait for a burn day confirmation from the Air Resources Board or managing the labor required to push brush, let us take care of the removal of your prunings.
- Reduce orchard cleanup- unlike pushing brush, very few sticks are left in the field.
- Eliminate the hidden costs from repairing sprinklers, drip hoses, or micro-sprinklers which may become damaged when pushing brush
- Healthier soils- improve soil quality and water penetration.
Environmentally friendly- eliminates burning.
Why Shred With A Flory Powr' Track Shredder?
- Speed - Powered with (450 HP) the Flory Powr' Track Shredder can cover:
- Approx. 10 to 18 acres per hour in almonds & walnuts (depending on pruning density and row spacing)
Brush can be stacked as if it were going to be pushed. - The head uses hammers, not knives, to create fine mulch which decomposes before the next harvest.
Mulch is evenly and consistently distributed. - Can shred up to 5" diameter brush (the larger the diameter the brush, the less efficient the machine) 4" diameter (or smaller) brush is recommended.
- No ruts - rubber tracks provide the lowest ground compaction (7 lbs. per square inch).
- Low profile - the Flory Powr' Track Shredder's compact design (7'8" tall and 11'8" wide) allows operation in orchards with low canopies and narrow spacing’s .